Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

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Chapter 3 Recap Assignment

Chapter 3 Recap Assignment

Q Instructions: Please read the instructions carefully and contact me if you have any questions prior to submitting your work. After reading the chapter and reviewing the PowerPoint and supplemental readings on the course site, you should complete the following tasks: Answer the questions below. Your responses should be about one, 5 to 7 sentence, paragraph per question set (meaning numbers 1,2,3, etc should be about one paragraph in length.) Your responses should demonstrate a clear engagement and understanding of the course material, critical application of the sociological concepts/theory and should include clear grammar and sentence structure. Please review the assignment rubric under 'Course Resources' for clearer indication of grading distribution and let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Questions: 1. Part 1: Click the following link to view the short documentary on the Stanford Prison Experiment and answer the following questions (video link and questions also available on PowerPoint slides 15 and 16): Play Video 1. Was it ethical to do this study? Was it right to trade the suffering experienced by participants for the knowledge gained by the research? 2. How do the ethical dilemmas in this research compare with the ethical issues raised by Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments? Would it be better if these studies had never been done? 3. If you were the experimenter in charge, would you have done this study? Would you have terminated it earlier? Would you have conducted a follow-up study? Part 2: Related to the chapter reading: 4. Define and give a hypothetical example of macro and micro level ethics. You should then find a real-world empirical example for each that demonstrates the respective ethical concerns. You do not have to summarize the findings or resource content; simply use MLA or APA for your citation formatting. 5. Give an example of how a member of the vulnerable population is at risk of experiencing undue influence or coercion if he or she participates in research. 6. Discuss how the Nuremberg Code guides medical research conducted on human subjects. Give three examples. Please use this link to upload your work. Assignment is due on Sunday September 13 by 11:59 pm. Worth 20 points. Late assignment will be accepted,but deducted 2 points for every 24 hours they are late. Note: Please only submit word docs or pdf files !!!!DO NOT SUBMIT ANY .PAGES FILES!!!! PreviousNext

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1. I believe it was ethical to do the study. I think there is a limit to how far you can go for research. I think this was right up against the line but I thought it was a good study. It was their way of creating the most controlled prison environment in a obviously weird and not completely realistic sort of way. I think it was ethical as everyone chose to do the study who were involved. It's not like they picked random people. I also think it was ethical as they did background checks on the participants before they went in to make sure people did not have abuse issues and stuff such as this.